Don’t worry, you don’t need to read these publications cover to cover right now. Make sure to take a look at them though to become familiar with the general information they contain. You will refer to these documents many times throughout the year.
Volunteer Essentials
Provides general information on All About Girl Scouts, Engaging Girls & Engaging Families, Troop Mangement, Product Program, Troop Fianances, and Safety.
Safety Activity Checkpoints
Troop leaders must always refer to Safety Activity Checkpoints for everything the troop does during the year. This document covers everything from packing the right gear, to maintaining adequate adult-to-girl ratios, using the buddy system, and so much more! Be sure to refer to it when planning your troop’s activities.
GSMISTS Volunteer Policies & Procedures
Provides information on GSMISTS Volunteer Policies & Procedures.